Death and resurrection: the creative process deconstructed

by | Jul 22, 2024

Cannes Lions 2024 was a whirlwind of inspiration as always, but one talk resonated deeply with me this year: Deepak Chopra’s exploration of AI and creativity.

Chopra is an Indian-American author, alternative medicine advocate, and a prominent figure in the New Age movement. He is known for his numerous books on mind-body health, spirituality, and well-being, many of which have become New York Times bestsellers.

At Cannes he spoke on several topics, including the intersection of AI and creativity. He outlined a nine-step creative process and discussed the potential of AI to transform the creative landscape. Here’s my take on his talk based on the notes I scribbled furiously during his session. You could have heard a pin drop in the room as he spoke!

The Cycle of Creativity: not a linear path

Chopra outlined how he believes that creativity is a 9-step process – but it isn’t a rigid recipe. It’s a dance, a cycle of death and resurrection. Each step is a shedding of the old to make way for the new:

  1. Intended Outcome: Clarity is key. What seed are you planting?
  2. Information Gathering: Nurture that seed with knowledge. Research, explore, and absorb.
  3. Information Analysis: Sift through the soil. What nutrients will best nourish your idea?
  4. Incubation: Let go. Detachment is the fertile darkness where magic happens. Embrace the uncertainty—it’s the birthplace of true creativity.
  5. Insight: Aha! The unconscious mind, that vast reservoir of wisdom, delivers its gift. Trust the 90% of decisions it makes for you.
  6. Inspiration: The spirit ignites. This is the thrill, the “eureka” that propels you forward.
  7. Implementation: Give form to your insight. This is where the dream becomes tangible.
  8. Incarnation: The idea takes flight. It’s no longer just yours; it belongs to the world.
  9. Resurrection: The old story dies, and a new one rises from the ashes. It’s a leap into a fresh context, a transformation of meaning.

The neuroscience of creativity: a symphony in the unconscious

Chopra reminded us that creativity is not a logical process or experience. It’s a symphony orchestrated by the unconscious mind, where memories and experiences mingle to create new melodies. 

Digital Dharma and infinite feedback loops

In this digital age, Chopra introduced the concept of “digital dharma”—a code of ethics for our interaction with technology and the name of his new book on the topic. He suggested that we’re in an era of infinite feedback loops, where AI mirrors our own patterns and stories. Some ideas resonate, some don’t. This dance of algorithms and human creativity is a modern-day mythology, weaving extraordinary tales that shape our reality.

The body as a biofeedback loop: stretch beyond your reach

Chopra urged us to remember the wisdom of our bodies. The idea that our bodies and thoughts are a never-ending loop or biomechanical feedback, constantly communicating between the environment, our mind and our bodies. By stretching beyond our perceived limits, he says that we expand our creative potential.

AI: the guru that ends all gurus?

Perhaps the most provocative idea was Chopra’s vision of AI as the ultimate guru. Imagine the world’s best doctors, philosophers, religious leaders, guides, creative thinkers —all embodied in a machine. Chopra says that we have nothing to fear from it – could AI democratise wisdom and unleash a wave of individual and collective creativity?

The takeaway: embrace the dance

Creativity is a dance of life, death, and rebirth. It’s a journey into the unknown, guided by intuition and fuelled by inspiration. Let go of fear, embrace uncertainty, and trust the wisdom of your unconscious mind. The future of creativity is limitless, and it’s yours to shape.

What are your thoughts on Deepak Chopra’s creative process? Have you experienced this cycle of death and resurrection in your own creative endeavours? It certainly was a thought-provoking and fascinating talk. Here’s a link to his new book Digital Dharma.

Deepak Chopra’s official website:

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