E.l.f. Beauty’s “So Many Dicks” Campaign: A beautiful jab at boardroom inequality

by | Sep 9, 2024

At the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity this year I saw E.l.f Beauty CMO Kory Marchisotto talk about how the E.l.f. business leadership is committed to a point of view and “living it”.

Democratization is a value that sits at the core of the business and that means that all the employees – the elvz – have some form of equity. Those values are espoused and supported outside of the business as well as within. So what that means for E.l.f is that the strong point of view means taking a stand against the lack of diversity in corporate leadership with its audacious new campaign, “So Many Dicks.”

This campaign serves as a wake-up call to the wider business world, highlighting the disproportionate representation of men named “Dick” on boards of directors compared to marginalized groups.

The campaign’s foundation lies in E.l.f.’s extensive research on the demographics of over 35,000 board members of U.S. companies listed on major stock exchanges. The findings are startling: there are twice as many men named “Dick” serving on these boards than Hispanic women. This statistic, while humorous on the surface, underscores a serious issue – the persistent underrepresentation of women and minority groups in positions of power.

The campaign doesn’t stop at highlighting the problem; it actively encourages change. E.l.f. launched an out-of-home advertising campaign in New York City’s financial district, featuring eye-catching visuals that prompt viewers to visit the campaign’s website. The website offers a searchable database of board members and company performance data, empowering individuals to hold companies accountable for their lack of diversity.

E.l.f. is also collaborating with universities and media partners to delve deeper into the data and analyze the positive impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion on corporate boards. This research-driven approach aims to provide concrete evidence to support the business case for diversity, encouraging companies to take meaningful action.

The “So Many Dicks” campaign is not E.l.f.’s first foray into advocating for boardroom diversity. It builds on previous initiatives like “Change the Board Game” and “Serving Facts,” which similarly aimed to spotlight the issue and promote change. This consistent commitment to social responsibility sets E.l.f. apart as a brand that not only sells products but also strives to make a positive impact on the world.

In a world where diversity is increasingly recognized as a key driver of innovation and success, the “So Many Dicks” campaign serves as a timely reminder that there’s still a long way to go. It’s a bold, creative, and impactful initiative that challenges the status quo and calls for a more inclusive and equitable corporate landscape.

It’s a brilliant example of bold creative leadership from the E.l.f. board – taking a stand on an issue and highlighting it in line with your own values and policies. When you have such a clear North Star I imagine that the creative briefs and the ensuing ideas are so much ‘easier’ to develop (as far as that’s possible). Beautiful.

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