creative selling - Now Go Create Creativity Training & Problem Solving Sat, 20 May 2023 06:02:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 creative selling - Now Go Create 32 32 Creative effectiveness & pitching – day 4 round up on Masters of Creativity Thu, 10 Aug 2017 10:22:58 +0000 Continuing our round up of the Cannes Lions Masters of Creativity Programme Day 4 – June 22nd  Gurdeep Puri – Founding Partner the Effectiveness Partnership on Creative Effectiveness “ Has it worked? Wrong question. Ask what does success look like?” Gurdeep made it his mission to teach the delegates the broader concept of effectiveness verses […]

The post Creative effectiveness & pitching – day 4 round up on Masters of Creativity first appeared on Now Go Create.

Continuing our round up of the Cannes Lions Masters of Creativity Programme Day 4 – June 22nd 

Gurdeep Puri – Founding Partner the Effectiveness Partnership on Creative Effectiveness

“ Has it worked? Wrong question. Ask what does success look like?”

Gurdeep made it his mission to teach the delegates the broader concept of effectiveness verses efficiency. He challenged us all to start speaking the language of the financial industry and argued that the marketing function needs to get its feet under the top table, as currently the role is neither fully understood nor recognised by senior management. This is despite the net worth of many companies being largely due to the marketing function. Gurdeep gave the example of McDonald’s where 43% of that their net worth of $91 million is due to marketing. Yet most boards give the subject of marketing only 10% of their time. He believes that marketing must elevate itself in order to be treated as an alternative to commercial investment instead of as a cost. If marketers start to speak in financial terms to clients then we can begin to transform the way clients look at marketing.

“Efficiency is minimising. Effectiveness is about maximising and producing commercial successful work.”

Last up was Matt Williams – CEO the Martin Agency to talk to the delegates about Creative Selling – which was exactly what they had to do the next day with their OREO pitches 

The lovely Matt gave sound advice on the birth of ideas and how to help them live. He believes that every idea ‘comes to life’ three times.

  1. At conception
  2. In the room when you sell it. This is when trust is everything. If trust exists you do not have to “sell” great creative. Remember…
  • Give it time; It grows not just appears
  • It’s a combination of rational and emotional
  • It is a two-way relationship
  • It is about perceived risk
  • It is different for the client than for the advisor
  • It is personal

And when presenting creative ideas

  • Believe in yourself, the team and the work
  • Listen respectfully, respond thoughtfully
  • Lean into your own style
  • Know the roadmap
  • Have fun
  1. When you make it: and that is how The Martin Agency’s fourteen-award winning work “The Worlds Biggest Asshole” for organ transplant is such a great example of getting a client to buy into a concept without watering it down.

For more tips read ‘The Trusted Advisor” by David Maister.

If you’re interested in upping the ante on your creativity and can’t wait for Cannes next year, get in touch with us to find out about our creativity training

The post Creative effectiveness & pitching – day 4 round up on Masters of Creativity first appeared on Now Go Create.
