Zoom and introverts - Now Go Create https://nowgocreate.co.uk Creativity Training & Problem Solving Fri, 19 May 2023 19:45:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://nowgocreate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/cropped-Icon-32x32.jpg Zoom and introverts - Now Go Create https://nowgocreate.co.uk 32 32 How to innovate on Zoom https://nowgocreate.co.uk/blog/how-to-innovate-over-zoom/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-innovate-over-zoom Wed, 16 Dec 2020 16:50:00 +0000 https://www.nowgocreate.co.uk/?p=18720 Can you innovate on Zoom? Even if you’re surrounded by background noise and staring at a 12-inch screen, these 4 quick tips will help… Steve Jobs’ main criticism of remote working was that it was impossible to innovate if employees weren’t together during the work week. But I think leaders can make the reality different […]

The post How to innovate on Zoom first appeared on Now Go Create.

Can you innovate on Zoom? Even if you’re surrounded by background noise and staring at a 12-inch screen, these 4 quick tips will help…

Steve Jobs’ main criticism of remote working was that it was impossible to innovate if employees weren’t together during the work week. But I think leaders can make the reality different in these Zoom-enforced times. Because I do think that you can be innovative in an online meeting.

Years before it was on-trend to have open-plan offices, communal eating spaces, free yoga and state-of-the-art coffee machines, Jobs realised that serendipitous encounters between Pixar staff from diverse backgrounds and departments made for better ideas.

The idea of a workplace campus is common today, but Jobs appeared to have the ability to see round corners into the future of office design. He even engineered the placement of the bathrooms at Pixar to ensure that people would bump into each other frequently.

Apple’s HQ is a never-ending loop, where people would stumble across new colleagues every single day, deliberately by accident. Meanwhile, over at Google, staff used a basic human need to drive interaction – food.

No part of the office was said to be more than 150 feet from a nibble or two, while employees were encouraged to “snack constantly”. It meant they would bump into coworkers from different teams across the company.

But times, they say, are a-changing…

How working from home changed everything

What happens now that these tech giants (like many other businesses) can no longer have their staff working in the office? For the time being at least, we have a new ‘normal’. And that means many of us working from home, alone, living on Zoom calls and seeing our colleagues infrequently. So what does that mean for creativity and innovation?

In the spirit of solving the big issues we are all facing in our lives and our businesses, we have to hope that Jobs’ assertion that innovation is impossible if people are not physically together is wrong. Because what the world needs more than ever is big ideas – and even bigger action.

The truth is that we have to work harder today to make innovation happen. Just because we’re not in the same place doesn’t mean it can’t occur, but we need to invest time and energy and allow for ‘creative collisions’ to take place across the digital space.

1. Make creativity visible

Your data, fledgling ideas and concepts need to be visible to everyone on the team if you want to spark ideas and get the best from the collective hive mind. Try using one of the many online whiteboard tools to create a space where people can interact and ideas can be easily viewed and added to.

Many of these come with ready-to-go templates such as a SWOT. So you have a blank space to draw and add shapes, text or Post-it notes – just as you would in a physical meeting space.

2. Use collaborative tech

In the absence of staff sharing bathrooms, it’s important for businesses to be clever with the technology they use to facilitate interactions. Try a tool such as Candor. You begin by sending your question out to members of your group – making it clear that you want them to come up with ideas remotely.

All of the ideas are submitted via the app/desktop tool to whoever is organising the session. And these ideas can then be shared remotely. All of the ideas are up for discussion – they can be eliminated, grouped together or expanded on to make them better.

The tool then lets participants vote for their favourites. We’re also loving MURAL here at NGC HQ for its fab templates and sharing tools.

3. Acknowledge difference in style

Creativity can’t be forced, so allow quiet time and space for reflective thinking (even online) for everyone, particularly the more introverted. Because they might be intimidated by enforced interactions.

Small online breakout rooms are good for more intimate, paired conversations. In fact, we now separate online sessions out into 3 parts – with the prep and thinking BEFORE and AFTER as important as the Zooming bit.

Read Susan’s Cain’s QUIET to understand more about how we think differently and how to get the best from your teams.

4. Create shared moments

Work is about more than the work. Creativity is able to thrive when people feel good personally. So, think about what experiences you could create for your team even though you’re not together.

Could you all buy the same ingredients and make lunch over Zoom? Or could you send people something old-school in the post that relates to your meeting or brainstorm? Or take a leaf out of Google’s book and send some really great snacks.

Since the start of the pandemic, we have developed a stack of new e-learning solutions designed to help people with their remote creativity training. Need more details? Drop us a line at: claire@nowgogreate.co.uk

The post How to innovate on Zoom first appeared on Now Go Create.
