The Marshmallow Challenge: Why budding creatives should play with their food.

by | May 10, 2024

Last week, myself and co-facilitator Anahita, gave a group of 40 seasoned PR professionals a seemingly simple challenge: build the tallest freestanding structure they could using only spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow (which had to be on top!) in 18 minutes. That’s it. It’s based on a TED talk called the Marshmallow Challenge, and while it sounds like child’s play, it reveals fascinating insights about how we approach problems and think creatively.

Picture the scene: these normally polished communicators suddenly grappling with flimsy spaghetti towers and sticky tape. The room buzzes with competition, laughter, frustration, and the occasional “aha!” moment as teams figure out new strategies.

Marshmallow Challenge

The initial planning phase often mirrors what we see in many workplaces: discussion, strategizing, and conversations about what is ‘right’ and who’s in charge. But the Marshmallow Challenge highlights the value of action over endless planning – those who dive in and experiment often have breakthroughs faster.

So, why subject PR pros (or anyone!) to this delightful chaos? Here’s the thing:

  • Challenging assumptions: The marshmallow seems light until it topples your tower! It’s a reminder to test our ideas against reality, not just what we think we know. This is probably the biggest takeout for people and something they can apply straight back to the day job.
  • Collaboration gets messy: This forces teams to truly negotiate solutions, not just theorise. Real-world collaboration isn’t always neat and tidy!
  • The designer mindset: Prototyping and iterating are keys to innovation. Plans can mean little when faced with the constraints of your materials – adaptability is everything. Anyone who knows us here at Now Go Create knows we love a bit of design thinking!
  • We love giving people hands-on experiences and opportunities to be creative rather than just talking about it! This philosophy is at the heart of all our workshops.

The Marshmallow Challenge is a playful experience that highlights the core of a creative mindset: being willing to experiment,laugh at yourself, get a little messy, and embrace the fact that surprising solutions often emerge from unexpected places.

If your teams need a reminder to think outside the box, or simply want a good dose of collaborative fun, I highly suggest finding some spaghetti. It might be the most enjoyable way to build your creative muscle!

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