How To Be A Creative Ninja course.

Over 25,000 people have trained in our practical creativity training workshop, ‘How To Be A Creative Ninja’. With an emphasis on fast results, this workshop equips you with a creative toolkit to consistently think more creatively and gain confidence to generate fresh ideas.

Creative training for over 200+ companies worldwide

Course Title

About this course







About this course

What your team will learn

Our original creativity training course and our most popular, with good reason! People love this creative thinking masterclass for its curated selection of creativity processes and tools that will help you generate ideas and drive innovation.

This highly-rated (with a NPS of 80) and practical course has immediate application for participants back in their businesses. It will improve your group collaboration and brainstorm facilitation skills, too.

Whatever your creative challenge, this course will help to rewire how you think, whether you have 10 minutes to ponder, an hour, a day or a week. The tools we use give you the confidence to generate useful, creative ideas that will help fuel your marketing campaigns and boost innovation in any area of your company.

We use a mix of methodologies for this course, most notably creative problem solving (or CPS) – a way of using applied creativity to develop new ideas and solutions to problems. This kind of thinking leads to better creative outcomes,

The fundamentals of the process are based on separating divergent and convergent thinking styles so that you can focus on generating ideas first without judgement and then evaluating with criteria as the second stage. And then planning how to execute them!

It’s all about developing a creative mindset that will help you to generate original ideas and, of course, enhance creativity. This course is packed full of creative thinking techniques that will help you to shine when smart solutions are called for.



What your team will learn

Improve your creative thinking skills and develop a toolkit of ways to explore problems and opportunities.
Creative Problem Solving methods
Design thinking tools
How to ask better questions
Brainstorm techniques
Collaboration tools
Idea evaluation tools


What you will receive

Comprehensive course workbook
5 weekly emails post the course
Delegate copies of In Your Creative Element (optional)


Meet your coaches

Anahita Milligan

Problem-solver extraordinaire!
Expert trainer, Anahita Milligan has been working for Now Go Create for over a decade. She is ex-Head of Strategy at the award-winning planning agency Manning Gotlieb. She has devised creative strategies for brands including Playstation and the UK government and will help you and your teams to develop robust approaches. She is qualified in creative problem solving and loves teaching our Creative Ninjas programme, sharing tools and techniques to help you tackle your creative challenges and opportunities. Anahita is also a teacher, experienced in working with young adults with special needs and passionate about making creativity accessible to all.

Claire Bridges

Now Go Create Founder & Chief Spark

Claire has 30 years experience in the creative industries. With a PR background, as a former WPP MD and Creative Director she is a problem-solver, applying creative thinking for clients including Starbucks, P&G, and Unilever.
Claire is fascinated with the creative process helping individuals and teams, to drive innovation and unleash their creative potential. Claire is one of only a handful of people in the world to hold an MSc in innovation, creativity and leadership and brings her academic expertise to all our innovation, creativity and strategy courses. Claire is a mentor to young creative talent and a published author, of the best-selling creative handbook – In Your Creative Element .


What clients love about this course

Thank you, it was awesome!

“Thank you, it was awesome! Applied creativity for business tools, not theoretical, a real toolkit, opportunity and fun to practice. 10/10!

Lee Rand
Research Agency

Creative Ninja training session really made my day

“The Creative Ninja training session really made my day. I felt revived and energised and managed to switch off and focus on myself and others for a couple of hours.”

Delegate Camelot


Frequently Asked Questions

What sort of tools do you teach in this session?

Examples of creativity tools / frameworks covered in this creative thinking workshop include:
– Question-storming
– Related worlds
– Hall of fame
– Empathy map (design thinking)
– Brainstorm using Post-Its (in person and remote)
– How to create a useful problem statement
– Distilling the brief
– Photography safari
– Using visual and random stimuli
– MIRO and MURAL whiteboard templates
– We will help you build your toolkit so can adapt and add to your existing tools

What will I be able to do after this course?

After completing one of these face-to-face creative courses or online webinars you will be able to:
– Use the different creative processes we teach to develop innovative ideas by yourself or in a group.
– Discuss the pros and cons of each tool and identify opportunities for further practice in your day-to-day work context.
– Be more confident in your ability to creatively think on your feet.
– Explain to another person the advantages of using a creativity tool.
– Design a short, structured brainstorm using the tools to help unleash creativity in others.
– Creatively collaborate more effectively with others. Every aspect of this course has been developed to foster creativity both in individuals and the teams they work with.

Do you tailor this course for me?

Yes, we always adapt our materials and the tools we teach to the customer. This means your case studies will be tailored to your sector or area of interest (and geography), as well as sharing best-in-class creative work from around the world. If we need to create new materials or bespoke training, we can do that too.

What sort of people take this workshop?

Creativity and problem-solving are key skills, whatever your role. You definitely don’t need the word ‘creative’ in your job title. Our Creative Ninja training courses have been taken by thousands of PR, comms and brand folk as well as engineers, marketers and TV producers, to name a few! People love the new skills and feedback they receive after taking this course. It’s not exlusively for ‘creatives’ but they love it too.

I'm a 'creative' - is this course for me?

You don’t need to be a traditional creative to take this course, but we have certainly trained many who are and who want to use the tools we offer as part of their professional and personal development. These include people who who work in graphic design, illustration, branding, copywriting and also many creative directors and creative leaders who want to continue expanding their creative toolkit. Our courses help with idea generation, lateral thinking, divergent thinking, critical thinking and more, plus we look at a variety of new techniques to boost your creative output.

Where do the workshops run?

Our acclaimed innovation courses are available online, but if an in-person course suits you better, then to keep costs down we usually come to you and deliver this workshop at your office or workspace. If you want to get offsite and have the budget, we love Wallace Space’s individual and creative training spaces, which are all over central London. We also travel all over the UK and abroad to deliver our creativity and innovation training workshops.

Can you help me on a one-to-one basis?

Yes, we offer creative coaching at all levels. We offer creative coaching for individuals to improve their person creative capabilities and leadership skills. This can be as part of a programme within a business and for individuals looking to improve their managerial and leadership capabilities. Build confidence in your own creative and problem solving abilities, and understand how to harness your personal strengths, and those in the wider team. Discover what drives and inhibits creativity in others, and yourself, so you can create an inclusive environment that inspires diverse thinking. Contact us to discuss how we can help.


Simple, transparent pricing

We have options for individuals and teams to help unlock your full creative potential and fuel your ideas!

In-person Creative Ninjas team training

Is your team ready to take your creativity to the next level? A half or full-day workshop tailored to your team or group. Work collectively on your creative challenges whilst learning creativity tools and techniques. Collaborate, practice and gain confidence in this fast-paced workshop.

Up to 18 participants
Comprehensive handout

5 email creative prompts to keep your creative juices post-course

Tailored to your sector
We can adapt for large groups

Join the 30,000+ people who have improved their creativity skills with us.


Get in touch to have a chat about how we can help you today.