Problem Solving

Over the past decade, our training courses have equipped thousands of individuals and businesses to problem solve more effectively.

Creative training for over 200+ companies worldwide

Master creative problem solving today!

Our courses are built on years of research and evidence-backed tools that make a difference. Training is practical, hands-on, and immediately applicable to real-world business problems.

A learnable skill

Effective problem solving is a key skill. Whether it’s a small issue or a complex dilemma that you’re trying to tackle, understanding how to solve problems efficiently and effectively will give you a workplace advantage.

Build a toolkit

Problem-solving skills are essential whatever your industry to anticipate and overcome challenges and manage risk and uncertainty. Start building your toolkit today to equip and empower your people to problem solve with confidence.

Problems don’t discriminate

We’ve worked with agency strategists, food innovation teams, charities looking to find new ways to fundraise, and brand teams looking to find new ways to market their products. We can help you too.

99 problems but a choice of training provider ain’t one!

Being an effective problem solver is a core skill in any line of work. Whether it’s a small issue or a complex dilemma that you’re trying to tackle, understanding how to solve problems efficiently and effectively gives you an advantage both in the workplace and in everyday life.

People who are proficient at problem solving don’t just rely on gut instinct, hunches and imagination. Rather, they’ve built up a repertoire of skills, strategies and processes. They have also developed the ability to identify which problem solving approach – or combination of approaches – will work best to navigate a given situation.

In other words, being highly effective at solving problems isn’t a natural talent – it’s a skill that anyone can learn. And it’s well worth the effort: the World Economic Forum lists problem solving in its top 5 skills needed for the future of work and society.

What is problem solving?

The problem solving process centres around finding solutions to often complex challenges and then developing ways to act upon them. It leans on creative thinking skills but is solution-focused from the very beginning.

It’s applicable across every business function. People who have developed these new skills have a greater likelihood of success with their ability to identify and develop solutions to complex problems, on the job.

These folk are in demand by employers as with training and techniques they can be confident to effectively help solve problems, challenges and issues around topics beyond the obvious including:

  • How to innovate
  • The need to become more ‘green’
  • Difficulties attracting top talent
  • Sales slumps
  • New product launches
  • Lack of stakeholder engagement
  • Budgetary or regulatory constraints that are stifling ideas
  • Reputational challenges
  • There are a million other common concerns that can threaten to derail a business unless actionable answers are found.

Given that improved problem-solving skills can so clearly help every single department to function better as well as support career development, we wholeheartedly believe that training in this field is essential for everyone – not just those who might consider themselves ‘creatives’ or have the word creative in their job title.

Confident to apply what I learned

I wanted to learn different ways of structuring my ideas and problem-solving. My personal expectations were exceeded by the course. It was completely out of my usual ‘norm’ and had changed my thinking process. 10 out of 10! Account Director, PR Agency

Loved the theory, the examples & practical tools

“The trainer was engaging, warm and energetic. She prepared and executed the session amazingly. It made me think out of the box. I came to the session unsure but I gained a lot!” Public Affairs Manager

Why is problem solving important?

Complex problems, by their very nature, are not easily solved. Because of this, when faced with a difficult challenge companies often fall back on the ‘head in the sand’ routine. Procrastination sets in because business leaders simply don’t have the skill-set to find an effective solution.

The consequences, of course, can be disastrous. You might have heard the managerial buzzword about the current world order – VUCA – standing for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

  • Volatility – the challenge is unexpected, e.g. natural disaster
  • Uncertainty – when situation is unpredictable
  • Complexity – the situation has many interconnected parts or variables. A ‘wicked’ problem.
  • Ambiguity – you face ‘unknown, unknowns’

Each of these different categories can throw up challenges for whatever business you are working in – which is why learning advanced problem-solving skills is so important.

And it’s within everyone’s grasp, as the BBC recently reported in an article that explained how we can all programme our brains to think of ‘genius’ solutions.

Develop your problem-solving skills

Having now helped thousands of people to improve their creative problem-solving skills, so we can state with confidence that by adjusting your mindset and using the right tools you can become a far more accomplished problem solver. Whether it is complex problems you’re addressing or a much smaller issue, having processes in place and being able to lean on a range of proven techniques makes the whole endeavour easier – and leads to better results. One of the most important elements of problem solving is defining the issue. We’ll show you how to use tools that help you to get to the bottom of things – so that you’re investing your time on the right problem. An example of this is NESTA’s Evidence Planning tool, which helps you to approach problems systematically and understand why the problem exists in the first place.

Learn how to problem solve with Now Go Create

Alongside our popular creativity courses – which range from beginners’ courses to in-depth creativity training and online courses – Now Go Create has some of the most effective problem-solving courses available in the UK.

These are typically offered face to face or online for businesses who want to upskill their teams, and who want us to work with anything from five to 250 delegates! We also run open problem solving training courses online, which are a great way for anyone with an interest in the subject to sharpen their skills.

All of our problem solving courses are also available online – we run live classes and can tailor a schedule to suit your needs. We offer affordable on-demand training modules that you can take at your own pace, too.

Looking for ways to build a better creative skills team, confidently equipped to deal with whatever the world throws at them? Get in touch now!

Transform Your Problem-Solving Skills and Propel Your Career Forward!

Join Our Creative Problem Solving Training Course and Learn to Tackle Any Obstacle With Confidence

Our training courses

Employers now consider creative thinking to be a core capability, and for brand and agency teams it's essential. The good news is that thinking more creatively is a learnable skill! We've trained thousands of people in practical ways to improve the way they think and solve problems – explore our courses below:

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