Want to raise money? Guilt-trip your parents! Creativity hots up in Young Lions digital contest

by | Jun 24, 2019

The Cannes Young Digital Lions contest this year was a gem – with the gold and silver winners coming at the WWF brief from a similar (brilliant) angle…

Being in Cannes all week to take care of the debriefs in a series of competitions aimed at creatives under 30, I was struck by how teams come at the same problem from completely different angles despite having access to the same set of insights… most of the time. But when the results were in for the Digital brief, two teams had basically hit on the same idea – and it was a gem.

The judges for this competition were: Ioana Zamfir, Creative Director at Centrade Chei, Alessandro Sciarpelletti, Creative Director at We Are Social and Alejandro Canciobello, SVP Creative Director at Leo Burnett Singapore.

Young Lions 2019 Digital competition

The brief (provided by WWF):

“WWF wants to increase the number of financial memberships – people who make a regular monthly donation to support the work of WWF. Providing people with the emotional and rationale reason to support the work of WWF is challenging. That’s why we need to create an intriguing and disruptive digital idea will galvanise people to become WWF members.”


Here’s the full Digital brief if you want to have a go at it.

Bronze: Team Philippines

Millennials, felt the team from the Philippines, were forever being bombarded with promising visions of the future (self-driving cars, space travel and so on), but what if they could buy into the idea that they needed to put some money aside so that the planet actually had a future at all?

By teaming up with start-ups, the Filipino campaign would encourage people to buy products of the future today – with payments continuing long after purchase. Half the money would go to the start-up to fund the new product, the rest would go to WWF.

Team members: Lance Christopher Francisco and Zachary Peter Lim from JWT.

Silver: Team Norway

Bold and rather brilliant: team Norway argued that millennials should be getting their parents to pay for their membership of WWF. “Why should millennials pay to save the planet when their parents are the ones who destroyed it?” they asked. Even more hard-hitting, parents would be sent a message demanding: do you want to help secure your child’s future or not?

Team members: Torkel Skjolden and Marcus Hassel of Hausmann.

Gold: Team Denmark

Coming at things from a similar angle as Team Norway, the Danes figured a parental guilt-trip could be just what WWF needed to boost membership levels. Their idea was a campaign called ‘Pay Up Parents’ and it asked “Why should Millennials pay for what someone else broke?” The judges loved the idea and the way that it pulled no punches and, perhaps, its liberal use of f-words.

Team members: Christoffer Fejerskov Boas and Klara Vilshammer of Robert/Boisen & Like-minded.

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