235 creative duos, 7 briefs, 24 hours – hear the Young Lions roar!

by | Jun 18, 2019

I’ll be running the debriefs as a creative mentor for this year’s Young Lions competitions – which means I’ll be getting an amazing sneak peek at the creative talent of the future (which I’ll share with you right here).

So it’s Cannes Lions Week and as I write this I’m en route to France, where I will once again be involved in a series of Young Lions competitions. They give young talent at the event a chance to show the watching world what they are made of.

There are competitions covering a multitude of creative disciplines – everything from creating a digital campaign to making an ad to coming up with a PR campaign. Entrants will follow a brief from a charity or NGO, and then they have just 24 hours to deliver the goods. It’s brilliant fun and is real, live creativity-on-the-fly.

“It was f**king inspiring! You come home and wanna do so many things at once… I wish this feeling would stay forever.” Leo-Constantin Scheichenost, Young Lions Competitions (Print), HFA Studio

The talent of tomorrow

Unsurprisingly, the competitions attract a lot of general interest among the festival’s attendees. Some of the more established of these people are really keen to see the results and catch the buzz about any emerging creative talent. It’s my job to run the debrief at the end of each contest, and in previous years I’ve been blown away by some of the entries.

Over the next few days, I’ll be reporting back with new blogs about what happens in these comps. If you’re interested in what kind of wild and wonderful ideas the under-30s are capable of in 2019, come back soon!

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