Seeing is believing. Vision board your goals to life.

by | Jan 31, 2024

A vision board is a powerful tool for visualising your goals and attracting them into your life. It’s like a roadmap for your dreams, filled with images, words, and symbols that inspire and motivate you.

Yes it’s nearly the end of January but there’s still time to plan out your creative year! Here’s how to create your own masterpiece:

  1. Dream Big:
    Take some quiet time to reflect on your deepest desires. What do you truly want to achieve in different areas of your life? Career, relationships, health, travel, anything goes! Write down your goals and aspirations without holding back.
  2. Gather Inspiration:
    Browse magazines, Pinterest boards, websites, or even your own photos for visuals that resonate with your goals. Images of dream destinations, motivational quotes, inspiring individuals, or anything that sparks joy and excitement are fair game.
  3. Get Creative: ✂️
    This is where the fun begins! Cut out your chosen images and quotes, or print them if needed. Use colorful markers, paint, glitter, or any other embellishments to personalize your board and make it truly your own.
  4. Arrange with Intention: ✨
    Think about the different areas of your life you’re focusing on and arrange your elements accordingly. You can create sections for career, relationships, personal growth, etc. Don’t overthink it – let your intuition guide you!
  5. Find a Special Spot Where You Can See Your Board:
    Place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it often – your bedroom wall, your desk, or even your fridge! The constant visual reminder will keep your goals top of mind and fuel your motivation.
  6. Bonus Tip: ✨ Infuse your vision board with positive affirmations! Write down short, powerful statements that embody your desires and beliefs. For example, “I am achieving my dream career” or “I will achieve my creative ambitions this year.”
  7. Remember, creating a vision board is a personal journey. There are no right or wrong ways to do it. Embrace your creativity and have fun! Revisit your board whenever you feel you need to refocus.
  8. Watch the video below as Claire Bridges, Founder of Now Go Create talks you through it!

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