How to use creative data

by | Aug 10, 2017

 “The wonderful thing about data is that it doesn’t care what you spend your money on or like”

Scott Galloway is Clinical Professor of Marketing, NYU Stern School of Business on Innovation and he did a deep digital dive into the Oreo brand and did not pull his punches in relation for the need Oreo (in fact every food brand) to be engaged with the opportunities and threats posed by e-tail, and in particular Amazon. Scott proved without doubt that every product and/or service category is now online and he urged the delegates to become experts in social media. Along with the delegates I was rapt at what Professor Galloway had to say and its implications. Whilst we can’t share the details of his talk with us, the video below shows Galloway talking about how Amazon is dismantling retail and the implications for brands. He is an awesome speaker, enjoy!

Day 3 – June 21st The masterclass was from Alan Schulman, Creative Director of Deloitte Digital on Data

 “Where brand and consumer truths overlap the idea lays”

Alan Schulman joined us on day 3. Alan has over 30 years experience in marketing and advertising, the last 15 in digital marketing. With a glittering CV including being Chief Creative Officer at SapientNitro and creative leadership roles at McCann-Erickson, FutureBrand Worldwide and Foote, Cone & Belding.

Alan added greatly to the class with practical tips and techniques doused with his undeniable experience. Alan showed the group where ideas lay and how to link them with data (and vice versa). He illustrated the importance of being relevant in real time and cited EA Sports Madden Giferator as a great example. Pioneering technology fuses live NFL data with Madden 15 game footage to generate GIF highlights for every single game – all delivered via real-time ads across sports websites and apps. The result is a collection of GIFs that football fans can take, edit and share to shove in the face of their rivals. There’s a great article on it here. His words of invaluable wisdom are too many to cover here but a little taster follows. He told the group there are 3 questions to pose in relation to the data you need:

  1. Who do you want to target?
  2. What do they think now?
  3. What do you want them to think?

He said that information should lead to “data driven creative, not creative use of data.”

Our day 4 speakers (the last day before the pitches) were on creative effectiveness and how to pitch ideas, read more about them in our next instalment.

If you’re interested in upping the ante on your creativity and can’t wait for Cannes next year, get in touch with us to find out about our creativity training

We are running a new 6 part online course starting in October in partnership with Creative Review, details here.

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