Not all heroes wear capes. Creativity during Covid.

by | Apr 8, 2020

During the pandemic, glamorous celebrities in magazines or living it up on Instagram seems out of touch.

Meanwhile, everyday, people around the world are paying tribute to healthcare workers by clapping and cheering for them every evening.

Grazia found its own way to celebrate those individuals and published healthcare workers on the cover of its April 6th issue. The covers feature Sarah Blanchard, a paramedic; Dr. Janitha Gowribalan, an anesthetist and intensive care doctor; Dr. Rosena Allin-Khan, an emergency physician and Richenda Browne, a senior staff nurse in emergency.

It’s refreshing and celebratory, and a great example of substitution in action, what can you substitute in what you currently do to improve it or change it?

How about going a step further? Due to the level of psychological trauma they face in the current environment, from a lack of supplies to an unprecedented number of patients, healthcare workers are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and distress.

From cheering them on to offering emotional support, what could your organisation or brand do to support healthcare professionals right now?

Join one of our upcoming webinars to see how you can generate ideas using tried and tested techniques and frameworks.

Stay healthy.

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