Spring into 2023!

by | Jan 13, 2022

A set of creative goals will steer you through the next few months – and put a spring in your step!

Lewis Carroll said, “Any road will get you there, if you don’t know where you are going”.  

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the ‘busy work’ when you get back to your desk in a new year. How often do we forget to pause and think about what we actually want out of our work? Or our year – personally and professionally?

So, with spring just around the corner, why not put 20 minutes on the timer, get a cuppa and take some time to decide where you are headed? Why not plot out your creative goals for the rest of this year?

Think of the effort you need to put in as being a bit like the work keen gardeners have to do in order to enjoy all those flowers you’ll see in April and May. They’ll have done the donkey work ages ago.

Start by downloading this worksheet and articulate what your professional, and perhaps personal, goals are for this year. Maybe it’s that promotion, a new role, developing your skills, building a team, starting that side hustle. Whatever you’re dreaming of, let’s start to make it a reality.

Defining your creative goals

  1. Ask what is the role for creative thinking and innovation in your goals?
  2. How can you make more space for it?
  3. What skills do you need to focus on?
  • It might be developing your strategic chops – which includes how to research, finding insights and using them to build an idea.
  • Developing your creative toolkit, or increasing your facilitation skills, perhaps over Zoom or Teams.
  • Maybe it’s how to sell your ideas?

Asking yourself this will help you to prioritise your acquisition of knowledge – does it fit with your goals?

And knowing your stated goals will help you to organise your time and resources.

A big, inspiring vision

Whatever your goals, establishing them and writing down them down should provide you with a big, inspiring vision, and that all-important short-term motivation.

“Setting goals is the first step to turning the invisible into the visible” Tony Robbins

If you need help with your personal or team creative efforts such as brainstorm training or problem-solving skills, contact claire@nowgocreate.co.uk

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