Hey there. Say hello to our bite-size e-learning and webinars – your secret weapons for personal growth without the overwhelm! Join one of our September sessions and sharpen up your creative thinking skills. With bite-size learning, you get tasty little nuggets of...
The ‘forgetting curve’ is a concept that was first introduced by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in the late 19th century. It’s a fascinating phenomenon that sheds light on the human brain’s peculiar relationship with retaining...
Ooh this is exciting – our new e-learning receives accolades This is a rather belated post 😉 Anyone who keeps up with what we’re doing here at NGC HQ will know that we launched our e-learning during Covid to ensure we could continue to deliver creativity...
How to use digital e-learning to develop your team’s problem-solving and innovation skills… Did you know that after a decade of successful face-to-face creativity training, we developed a series of new creativity e-learning courses during lockdown?...
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